We deliver value-added audit and assurance services to our clients, helping them manage their fiscal responsibilities with prudence and foresight.

We go beyond simply issuing audit reports. Part of our role as auditors is to understand the people behind the numbers and accounts. In providing our services to clients who operate in increasingly complex and competitive environments, we recognize that our advisory functions are as important as our core audit assurance services, and they look to us for advice on a range of strategic and technical issues, financial transactions, and growth opportunities.

Our audit and assurance services go beyond numbers.

Audit and assurance services

P&A Grant Thornton provides audit and assurance services that go beyond numbers. We use only the most up-to-date auditing techniques and procedure that, together with a thorough understanding of your business, result in an audit approach fully customized to your needs.

P&A Grant Thornton auditors will regularly dialogue with you , so that we may address your most relevant needs and concerns.

Beyond our attest function, we provide timely  and cost-effective recommendations that enhance internal control systems and procedures, and add value to your business.

Every engagement we handle involves the use of the latest technology, techniques and procedures; a thorough understanding  of the client's business; strict adherence to the highest standards of professional conduct, and a quality engagement team consisting of highly-skilled professionals.

Our Audit and Assurance Division provides:

  • Annual and short period audit of financial statements
  • Review engagement
  • Other services such as technical advice and training, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reporting and compliance, assistance in applying for an increase in capital stocks with the SEC, and Philippine financial statements translation to Japanese-readable form

Our Audit and Assurance

Audit approach overview

Our audit approach will allow our client's accounting personnel to make the maximum contribution to the audit effort without compromising their ongoing responsibilities

Annual and short period audit

At P&A Grant Thornton, we provide annual and short period financial statement audit services that go beyond the normal expectations of our clients. We believe strongly that our best work comes from combining outstanding technical expertise, knowledge and ability with exceptional client-focused service.

Review engagement

A review involves limited investigation with a narrower scope than an audit, and is undertaken for the purpose of providing limited assurance that the management’s representations are in accordance with identified financial reporting standards. Our professionals recognize that in order to conduct a quality financial statement review, it is important to look beyond the accounting entries to the underlying activities and operations that give rise to them.

Other Related Services

We make it a point to keep our clients abreast of the developments and updates relating to the growing complexities in the accounting world. We offer seminars and trainings on audit- and tax-related matters, such as updates on Accounting Standards, new pronouncements and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issuances, as well as other developments that affect our clients’ businesses.

Ramilito L. Nañola
Practice Leader, Audit & Assurance
Ramilito L. Nañola